DECS: Pieper

Written by admin

At a week long design case called ‘DECS’ a device was developed for Eindhoven Airport which is aimed at de-stressing air passengers. Comparable to a restaurant timer which alerts you when your food is ready, and used in the same way you use a self-scanner in the supermarket, but then by your ticket instead of some sort of client card. Pieper alerts passengers when to take action (go to gate, have passport ready etc.). Pieper gives more control and calm to both passengers and gate staff as people can be called at will, and aren’t standing at the gate an hour before departure.

This project showed me that what we do at TU/e is actually quite unique. At ID at TU/e, the bubble sometimes makes you feel that what we’re doing is just normal, but it’s not. Doing this project, and seeing Eindhoven airport marvel over te way we do things at TU/e created some new appreciation for the trade and helped me greatly in marketing myself externally and describing how ID students are different from other people in industries like software of industrial engineering.

This project was done together with Jules Rutten, Martijn Dekker, and Sacha Prudon