For the energy challenge at the TU/e I have teamed up with some of my friends to participate in a challenge to make student housing more sustainable. This lead to a concept similar to the “stroomversnelling” programme by BAM.
Money saving measures are put in place by the company in student housing free of charge and the entire energy bill is paid to the company. This will be the same or less of what students currently pay for their energy. The money saved with the savings is used to fund the company and the energy saving meassures. Taking the investment out of the hands of students, making student housing more sustainable.
This was my first major extracurricular project I had done. Together with two club mates from Demos and Henrik Degoffau(ID student) this project was developed in three days. This project was very much US and BE oriented and proved of great value. We created a business plan and pitched it to the group. Afterwards we secured 2nd place and got invited to the BAM headquarters to pitch it again and go into discussion with people experienced with the stroomversnelling project.